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Tips and Tricks

jpg to word-document converter
Free DownloadsTips and Tricks

JPEG format is the most popular formats used for saving images. Today, we see how people play with a number of images and pictures. These can be used for sharing them over a number of the social networking platforms or through the smartphones or tablets, which are one of the most favorite formats

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how to check pnr status on mobile through sms
Tips and Tricks

[adrotate banner=”5″] There are various ways how you can check the status of your booking through PNR (passenger name record) number. But sometime when internet is not working in your phone or you don’t have any other option to access irctc then sms. No need to worry about it here.

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MiscRecent PostsTips and Tricks

Ever since the internet chatting has evolved. Uses of abbreviations are very common. Earlier the short words were used to reduce typing long sentences and express your feelings in abbreviations. But now if you see these slang words have come in verbal use in our daily life also. Now days everyone

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safest proxy-servers list to access blocked websites
Free DownloadsTips and Tricks

[adrotate banner=”5″] Today I am going to share some very useful thing here. Yes it’s a proxy server list. And why these proxy server so much useful for ? I will tell you. Suppose you want to access a website on internet say any music site ( or any social

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brand color
Tips and TricksWeb Designing

[adrotate banner=”5″] Hello Friends, Today we are going to discuss which color suits to our brand, make sure that you are sending right message to your audience with choosing of right color. With right color we can communicate our message to the audience. Have you ever noticed hospital + sign

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social media marketing
Recent PostsTips and Tricks

[adrotate banner=”5″] Having a website and properly maintained search engine optimization (SEO) is not enough anymore for a successful business. With the social media taking over the internet marketing, one has to strategize well seeing that a high percentage of web traffic comes from social channels. You must check the

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adobe illustration
Tips and TricksWeb Designing

[adrotate banner=”5″] We (designers) use Adobe Illustrator in different way, we can use its workflow in very efficient manner. Try to be creative and productive by never do repetitive task. There are many ways by that we can save the time by using some tricks. These tips and tricks will

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Tips and TricksWeb Designing

Hey Guys! Are you learning the designing from scratch? No worries, I am here to guide you how you can be good in designing and how you can improve it. So from the beginning I am starting it with the basic concepts of designing. Whenever you are going to design

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TechnologyTips and Tricks

[adrotate banner=”5″] This is festive season and everywhere on internet you can find heavy discounts on products and gadgets like mobile phones, Tablets, Televisions and various other electronic products and home appliances. These online companies are earning huge profits because of this festive season and Same time consumers are equally

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windows command line
Tips and TricksWindows

Hello friends check out these windows command line cheat sheet below. [adrotate banner=”5″] Windows Registry Commands – (1) C:\>  reg add [\\TargetiPaddr\][RegDomain]\[Key] – Add a key to the registry  on machine. [TargetIPaddr] within the registry domain [Regdomain] to location [key]. If no remote machine is specified, the current machine is assumed. (2) C:\>

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