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Whats App Group Video Call Feature
New Product ReleaseTechnologyWhatsApp

Finally Whats App has launched group video calling feature, this is osm feature and most awaited too. Till now we can do video call between two people. Now 4 people can connect together and this feature works with android, IOS, all whatsapp users can use this feature. Now question is

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10 Best Network Signal Speed Booster Apps for Android
AndroidRecent Posts

Are you suffering from the poor network signal issues? In today’s year of 4G, if your Youtube videos still take a time to buffer then you need these best Network Signal Booster Apps for Android. These applications will help you to buffer fast and download files at a boosted speed.

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Pay Anywhere mobile payment app

[adrotate banner=”5″] Mobile Payment, a breakthrough in the field of financial trade is a way of paying your money to anyone using your mobiles in just a couple of seconds. For a mobile to support payment online, the software developers throughout the world have been coming up with the software

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[adrotate banner=”5″] This world marks the peak of technology. And today there is not technology without Androids. Androids are the largest installed base of any gadget platform which is tremendously growing swiftly from time to time. Android gives you everything best and there is hundreds and thousands of people who

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why i dont like iphone

Well you heard it right, i don’t like iPhone. [adrotate banner=”5″] No offence but there are some solid reasons why i don’t feel iPhone will be a great choice for me when it comes to smartphone. with time so many competitors have arrived in the market who are offering better

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[adrotate banner=”5″] Here are top 5 best free android games that can be considered most popular and are free games to download. so let’s have a look at them one by one. as i have played these games myself and arranged them according to that. please don’t feed sad if you don’t

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