best extensions for your Google chrome

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Browser extensions are sometimes called Plugins also. These utility extensions can add many functionalities to your browser and improve your browsing experience to a great extent. Some of the extensions can be useful for specific purposes. like there are some perticular plugins for developers(eg. Web Developer) while there are some dedicated plugins for common users who want to shop online(eg. MakkhiChoose).
However there are a lot of extensions in Google Chrome store but here we will talk about some common utility extensions.
(1) AdBlock – Adblock is considered as one of the most efficient advertisement blocker browser extension. So if you are sick of the random ads while browsing then this is the plugin that can save you.
(2) Download master – If you are looking for a plugin that can help you in downloading images, files from web then you just need to install this plugin. This extension can download all the files from a given webpage so you just need to specify the page url.
(3) Image Downloader – Image downloader is another web downloader. This plugin works similar to Download master. you will have to specify a web page and this plugin will download all the images from that web page.
(4) Gmail Offline – Gmail Offline is one of the best offline mail access plugin. This plugin will download and keep all you mails so that you can access your emails while you are offline.
(5) Shopping Assistant – This plugin can save you a lot of money while shopping. Shopping Assistant finds best copons and deals for you when you are browsing any product on any online shopping website.
(6) – helps you remember and manage your important tasks. can syncronize the data other devices as well. so you can access the same data on your multiple device.
(7) Print Friendly and PDF – If you print the web documents very often then this is the life saver plugin for you. This extension removes ads from the web document while printing. also Print Friendly and PDF gives you facility to edit the web document before printing. so you can edit the document before you print them.
So these were the extensions that i thought can be helpful for you. i will be adding other extensions as soon as i find any other utility plugin for you Google Chrome.